

Αιτήσεις - Οδηγίες




54th ACA European Policy Seminar - Brussels, 13 October 2017

Quality in international university partnerships - newlyweds, happily married, in marital counselling or on the verge of divorce
It's all about partnerships! Sustainable, suitable, strategic - a good partnership brings more than the sum of its part(ner)s. But what makes a good partnership? What makes a good international university partnership? This multifaceted question lies at the core of the next ACA European Policy Seminar (EPS)

Hosted in Brussels on 13 October 2017, ACA's 54th EPS will shed light on the current partnership-building trends and developments in European higher education, on goals and outcomes in pursing quality partnerships, on quality evaluation models that work - or don't, as well as on a number of selected international partnerships with good practices to share. To find out more, please check the seminar’s page:


Ισχύει έως: 
Διεύθυνση Σπουδών και Φοιτητικής Μέριμνας
Τμήμα Α` Σπουδών
Γραφείο Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων